Where is Wrox Education based at?
Wrox Education is a USA based Limited Liability Corporation. Wrox Education is incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania, USA.
What USA colleges has Wrox Education partnership with?
Wrox Education is always expanding the list of USA based colleges that it has partnership with. Please contact us at contact@wroxeducation.org for the current list.
Does Wrox have partnership with India based colleges and agencies?
Yes, Wrox Education has partnerships with multiple India based colleges and agencies. This allows Wrox to cater to the needs of Indian students and India based colleges. Wrox has a strategic alliance with Lucknow Institute of Technology, India.
How does Wrox help Indian students?
Wrox has partnership with multiple India based agencies that guide Indian students with USA college identification, admission test preparation, admission forms and visa interview preparation.
Does Wrox Education work with non-accredited USA colleges?
No. Wrox Education only works with USA colleges that are accredited and have the authorization from the USA federal agencies to admit international students.